Forum Bayer
Addressing Leishmaniasis with a little help from some friends
The challenge
Every year, over 350.000 dogs in Spain contract Leishmaniasis, a serious chronic illness that can lead to their death and which can only be avoided through prevention. Since it wasn’t allowed to advertise animal prescription treatments like Bayer’s Advantix, Bayer Healthcare partnered with Marketwise to find a new way to raise public awareness about this silent killer. We created the non-profit platform Forum Bayer and got to work with the help of well-known experts, celebrities and… cute dogs!
The experts’ view
Committed to sharing authoritative knowledge on Leishmaniasis, Forum Bayer was formed by a multidisciplinary panel of experts on the subject of parasitology and wider animal health. As the backbone of the platform, the panel provided rigorous information and advice about the disease, collaborating with Marketwise and Bayer on studies and awareness campaigns.
Inpawssible to resist
Committed to sharing authoritative knowledge on Leishmaniasis, Forum Bayer was formed by a multidisciplinary panel of experts on the subject of parasitology and wider animal health. As the backbone of the platform, the panel provided rigorous information and advice about the disease, collaborating with Marketwise and Bayer on studies and awareness campaigns.
United against canine Leishmaniasis
Every year, we invited celebrities and experts to unite on the 1st of June to celebrate the National Day of Canine Leishmaniasis Prevention. Actions included conferences, interviews, video campaigns and the creation of a collective manifest against the disease.

The goal
To position Bayer Healthcare as the reference in the treatment of canine Leishmaniasis without using traditional advertising methods.